
The miracle of magnesium

2022-03-28T10:50:09+09:3010:44 am|Healing, Self Care|

“Magnesium deficiency can produce symptoms of anxiety or depression, including muscle weakness, fatigue, eye twitches, insomnia, anorexia, apathy, apprehension, poor memory, confusion, anger, nervousness, and rapid pulse.” ― Carolyn Dean, The Magnesium Miracle Did you know that magnesium is responsible for over 600 cellular functions in the body every single day?  Did you [...]

The truth about inflammation

2022-03-18T16:38:17+09:304:02 pm|Healing, Self Care, Your Body|

“Do you know what breakfast cereal is made of? It's made of all those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners!” ― Roald Dahl Learning to to move well Do you ever feel like you are taking one step forwards, followed by two steps back? Or maybe you stumble over [...]

Water in a toxic World

2021-11-10T15:01:47+09:302:37 pm|Healing, Self Care, Your Body|

We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one - Jacques Yves Cousteau Do you ever feel like you were born in the wrong era? Looking down the supermarket isles do you see any food options or do you see brightly packaged goods that will eventually kill us? [...]

Ketogenic pumpkin loaf

2021-10-18T20:56:05+09:308:51 pm|Healing, Recipes|

Keto Pumpkin Loaf “Inflammation ages you from the inside out by eating away at your telomeres, the caps protecting the ends of your chromosomes. Every time a chromosome divides, its telomere shortens. So telomere length is not only a sign of how old you are, but also a measure of how [...]

Meet Melanie North

2021-08-31T18:42:32+09:305:01 pm|Pilates therapy|

When you first meet Mel, don’t be fooled by her sweet smile. Our smiling assassin has many years of experience and plenty of know how. Her quiet disposition will sneak up on you and make you work hard despite her gentle nature.  Mel is our newest family member and her  journey [...]

Bone broth for optimal health

2021-07-07T21:03:37+09:307:14 pm|Healing, Self Care|

‘The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease’ - Thomas Edison I often sing praises of bone broth to my clients. Many people seem to have heard of [...]

Why Inflammation is beating you

2021-07-05T17:04:07+09:3012:58 pm|Healing, Pilates, Self Care, Your Body|

And when to say no to alcohol… Let’s say you fall over and fracture a bone or ‘pull’ a muscle. Your body is sore and tender and you don’t want to put any weight on it – an indication of the area being inflamed. The experience sucked (no doubt) so you [...]

How to Recover from C-section

2021-02-10T10:16:23+09:3012:10 pm|Healing, Post Natal|

As a Pilates instructor I just assumed that I would have the ideal birth. I looked after my pregnant body with daily exercise and meditation and I nourished myself from the garden. I hired a Doula to act as my spokesperson and I took the last 3 months off work to [...]

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