Your Body

Stomach Massage on the Cadillac

2021-02-10T12:04:21+09:3019/01/2015|Exercise, Pilates, Self Care, Your Body|

Stomach massage on the Cadillac is a flowing, beautiful exercise. It demands hip extensor control and fluid spinal articulation. It's one of my go to exercises prior to teaching. It awakens my spine and has me ready to focus on the class ahead. A great exercise for axial elongation and literally [...]

Let’s start at the beginning

2021-02-10T12:13:26+09:3016/01/2015|Exercise, Pilates, Your Body|

Starting something new can be daunting. I remember when I attended my first Pilates class. My background in sport and fitness meant that I was used to being good at my pursuits. I was also used to pushing through pain. That's normal right? No pain, no gain. I left that first [...]

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