How to Recover from C-section
As a Pilates instructor I just assumed that I would have the ideal birth. I looked after my pregnant body with daily exercise and meditation and I nourished myself from the garden. I hired a Doula to act as my spokesperson and I took the last 3 months off work to prepare myself for the life that lay ahead. My labour came on steadily at home [...]
Exercising with intention
Stuck in an exercise rut? "I am exercising as hard as I can so why am I not getting stronger, faster, better?" This is a common one. A new client starts with us and joins the group classes. Let's call them Jill. We have 3 very distinct levels, with the Intro class teaching correct technique and alignment. Jill is desperate to feel the benefits and doesn’t [...]
5 ways to alleviate back pain
8 out of 10 people will experience back pain in the next 12 months. The stats are staggering and as one of those statistics, I know first hand how debilitating pain can be. It slows you down, prevents you from having fun, makes it hard to put your undies on and can be physically and psychologically harmful. My relationship with back pain is long and tiring. [...]
Bali dreaming
I come to Bali to heal. I feel the process begin before I arrive, in the lead up to our trip. It happens every time, and it is marked by the chaos that builds as we prepare to leave everything behind, if only for a week or two. Bali gives me head space. Her energy enjoys me to sit and reflect, to soak up my surrounds [...]
The true cost of Pilates
Pilates is the in thing when it comes to fancy exercise options. Similar to the 'organic' food movement, Pilates is on everyones radar and most peoples wish list but it's not within everyones price range. The reason for this is simple. A fully qualified instructor, as recognised by industry standard has completed a Diploma in their field which consists of approx. 700 hours of study before [...]
The healing power of plants
I love nature, I always have had a huge respect for her and I know she is the power within all of us. Working with nature to heal and to grow make complete sense to me and its the first place I look when I am in need. In my quest for continued abundant health I have found doTERRA. I started using these oils seriously about [...]
Beyond the baby bump
The pregnant woman is an amazing being. She grows a human inside her very own body. From 2 cells divided, a baby will be born in no more than 9 months. This is the most wonderful feat of every living being, to produce another of its kind, and for that we should all be in awe of the body's ability and cause. So, it always astounds [...]
Tis the season to reflect
Whatever Christmas means to you, for most of us it's a time for reflection, for friends and family. This time of year always encourages me to reflect. And these are some of the things that come to mind when I start to put up the decorations and prepare for down time. Be true to yourself Just because it’s the silly season, it doesn’t mean you have [...]
Pilates for fitness
Whilst many of our clients come to us for pain and injury management, Pilates is also an awesome way to gain and maintain fitness. Working on the spring loaded machines means that even in a group class we can cater to the individuals goals. Pilates machines are known to develop long, lean, functional strength and flexibility, leaving clients with a balanced structure that is strong, long [...]
Cross Training with Pilates
It's the Dry season here in the tropical North. That means we all move outdoors and enjoy the cooler nights and perfect sunny days. What a great time to move to the tune of your own song, take up a new exercise regime, join the tennis club, run the beach or try your hand at stand up paddle boarding (just for a few ideas). So where [...]
We love to teach you how to move your body and stimulate your brain. Not in Darwin? No problem. Pilates classes created by our master trainer Katie Crane are now available online for you to follow at home, wherever you live.