
The 3am wake up call

It may be common but it's not normal At my women's retreat, one topic that is often spoken about is women who wake up around three o'clock in the morning every single night and they just can't figure out what's going wrong. Now, there's a few things that could be happening, but there are two things that really stand out for these women in particular. At [...]

Creating little tiny habits to make big life changes

Not only are tiny habits more sustainable, they feel great from the get go and they are more likely to lead to bigger life changes along the way. There's no doubt about it, good habits are important. But keeping good habits going long term can be really tough and sometimes, instead of sticking it out we give up because we've either set the bar too high [...]

Getting down and dirty with contraception

A woman with a voice, is by definition, a strong woman Bleeding inconvenience Have you ever met a woman who celebrated her bleeding cycles? Me neither But I've known plenty of women (myself included) who used contraceptive pills to avoid the dreaded bleed. We are taught early on in life that menstruating is a pain. It messes with our life, makes us feel frumpy and can get [...]

The importance of protein for women

High protein diets are associated with survivability and longevity, Dr Gaby Lyon Asking the questions As a health advocate I know that what a person eats has a direct correlation to how the body functions, how quickly injury will repair and how the person will feel down the track. What a person eats is so important no matter who they are or how old they are [...]

4 ingredient chia seed pudding

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food - Hipocrates This chia seed pudding is super easy and super duper tasty. I made it for my women at our day retreat recently and it was a real hit so as promised I am sharing this recipe. As with everything I do the recipe is made with the intention of contributing to your health. The [...]

9 endocrine disruptors that are harming your health

The hormonal diaries Part 1 This article is the first in a series of articles you will find here that are focussed on hormonal health. It is a topic that I have become more invested in, traversing towards menopause as a 40 something woman. Sparked by my own journey of learning about my changing body and what I can do to support myself through this next [...]

Balancing foot health with Pilates

I had the blues because I owned no shoes until on the street I met a man who had no feet - ancient Persian Proverb Your feet are the foundation of movement. Without them life would be very different and if you’ve ever had a sore foot you know first hand how quickly you can be stopped in your tracks. Each foot has 26 bones, 30 [...]

Introducing mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT)

Oxygen gives the athlete stamina, helps the injured heal, and protects us from environmental toxins ALL ABOUT OXYGEN What is the one thing we simply can not live without? Oxygen. What is the very first and the very last act of life? Breath. How long can we go without oxygen before it harms our health? Four minutes. If you are at sea level, there is 21% [...]

How Pilates can be life-changing for Osteo-arthritis sufferers

OA is known as a wear and tear disease so repetitive movement with poor alignment over time may cause stress on the joint and lead to suffering. What is Osteo arthritis? According to Osteoarthritis is defined as: A condition that affects the whole joint including bone, cartilage, ligaments and muscles. The area predominantly affected is the cartilage (the protective covering over the ends of your bones), [...]

Why you can’t beet a root

Breathe properly, stay curious and eat your beets - Tom Robbins What comes to mind when you think of beetroot? Earth - dirt - stained tablecloth - purple juice. How about chocolate? Now before you swipe that thought from your mind let's have another think about it. Doesn't cacao have that similar earthy texture and taste to it as beetroot does? The dark, bold flavour that [...]

We love to teach you how to move your body and stimulate your brain. Not in Darwin? No problem. Pilates classes created by our master trainer Katie Crane are now available online for you to follow at home, wherever you live.

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